Dear readers, i am expecting only 9th class students who have recently given their final exams of ninth class.
If i go to the point then there are 3 different ways through which your can check your 9th class result by entering your number.
1: Online Search
2: SMS
3: Gazette
Now i am going to explain all 3 above mentioned sources from where you can get your result online.
Website Search is the main source everyone know about normally and its more easy and user friendly too, here i am going to explain how it work.
Students go to GOOGLE and write a query regarding their result, for example they type “9th class result check by roll number” and the top 3 result came in front of you and you blindly click on every web you see.
i am not saying its wrong but its not the right way, if i say you just landed on this page “9th class result check by roll number” where they have mentioned all the educational boards but you are not on the real source of your result, it will show you the real run time information.
There are official websites of all educational boards in all over the Pakistan but every province handle their own educational sectors.
Usually their servers can’t handle too much traffic and their sites didn’t work temporarily, but other sites knows how to handle that kind of traffic and they are ready to deal with it.
BISE Lahore, BISE RWP, BISE Peshawar, BISE Quetta and many more are there if you know which one is official portal.
SMS (Short Message Service) service is not available on every site, but Punjab and federal board sites provide this service to ease their school children. The common method they adopt in how you can get your 9th class result on your mobile phone by sending your roll number on specific number, for example 5050, please be aware this short code is just for explaining purpose.
For BISE Lahore:
The applicants should send the SMS to “80092” by typing the complete Roll Number in the subject.
Gazette comes in pdf (portable document format) which is not an easy way to find your final exams numbers, but this would help you to get the answer what you are looking for, i mean to say you will see either you pass or fail.
Now that's all i can help you here, if you have any query regarding 9th class results of any other topic you want me to cover, i would gladly take a deep dive and get they information for you.
Here mentioned sites aren’t sponsored, i just collected data from these sites and share with you because i found their information most realistic and authentic on internet.
Always look for official sites, it will lead you to the correct information and mind will be more relaxed after getting the result info from the them.